The Difficult Second Novel: How I Found My Process
I’m often asked what my writing habits are, or what is the ‘process’ by which I write a novel. Until fairly recently, I found it impossible to answer this, and I’ve come to realise that it’s because I didn’t have a writing process while I was working on Little Deaths....
Getting Published
Writing with input from someone who’s as invested in your work as you are – my first professional reader was my UK agent – is a very different experience to writing alone. You feel a new sense of responsibility: not just to write well, but to write better....
Becoming A Writer
I became a writer when I was ten years old, the same year that I discovered Agatha Christie – and therefore crime fiction. On Christmas Day 1984, I unwrapped a notebook and a box of pens, and after lunch, while everyone else dozed chipolata-stuffed in front of...